Manual de OruxMaps 10.x (Spanish)
Manual de OruxMaps 9.x (Spanish)
OruxMaps Manual 9.x (English)
OruxMaps 10.x (Français) By: René
OruxMaps Course (zh-TW)
Manual de OruxMaps (Español)
OruxMaps Manual (English)
Tutorial (Français) By: Guillaume LAURENS
OruxMaps Croatian By: Denis
Oruxmaps(Japanese) By: Ujatam
OruxMaps Kullanım Kılavuzu (Türkçe) By: O. Ofluoglu
OruxMaps (Finnish) By: Jouko
OruxMaps (Croatian translation of OM or Marc's tuto) By: Rusvaj
OruxMaps (Chinese) By: leleji
Hiking with OruxMaps (English) 2013-09-23By: Marc Torbey
OruxMaps (Português) By: LandLousã
OruxMaps (Руководство пользователя) By: Yuri
OruxMaps (Korean) By: Hyeon-Joo Park
OruxMaps (Korean) By: Ujatam
Handleiding OruxMaps (Dutch) By: Frans Bönig
OruxMaps Handbuch (Deutsch) By: Stefan Hönes
OruxMaps (Slovakai) By: bmatias
If you want to contribute with the translation to other language, contact with Orux
OruxMaps, other tutorials.
OruxMaps does not incorporate maps for offline browsing, you have to create/search for your own maps. Use these manuals for map creation.
Tutorial using MAPC2MAPC64 to calibrate maps (updated 15-06-2016)
OruxMapsDesktop manual. (updated 03-oct-2010)
Manual de OruxMapsDesktop (Spanish). News: support to .okm maps. (updated 21-jan-2012)
HOWTO create maps from scratch with MOBAC. (updated 07-feb-2010)
How to make maps for your trips, along a track; the efficient way, with MOBAC. (Thanks to Phillip Harris) (updated 19-jun-2011)
GERMAN HOWTO create maps for OruxMaps with mac (Thanks to brotbuexe!). (updated 23-APR-2010)
Jsigpac manual (spanish online maps source). (updated 02-jul-2009)
HOWTO .kap maps (nautical charts) (updated 07-feb-2010)
HOWTO FAA maps. (updated 07-feb-2010)
HOWTO BSB Raster maps. (updated 07-feb-2011)
Umwandlung von BSB Raster Charts. (updated 07-feb-2011)
Ako vytvoriť mapu do navigácie. (updated 02-aug-2011)
Tutorial about geocaching along a route. Thanks to Phillip Harris (updated 21-ene-2012)